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Debug Mode

Debug Mode

Debug mode is enabled by default and it will show the server side failure reason. When going in production mode, you should disable the debug mode by following config.

$g = new jqgrid();
$g->debug = 0;

If you wish to change the SQL errors, you can turn them off using following setting.

$g->error_msg = "System was unable to process your request. Please contact technical support.";

For custom message at server side data validation, refer demos/editing/server-validation.php

In order to debug SQL queries, set:

$g->debug_sql = 1;

In order to debug Search queries, set:

$g->debug_search = 1;

By enabling debug_sql or debug_search configuration, you will see SQL queries being sent to database in error message box. You can also close error box and continue next debug step.


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