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Following setting will enable grouping footer in grid. (see grouping.php)

$opt["grouping"] = true;
$opt["groupingView"] = array();

// specify column name to group listing
$opt["groupingView"]["groupField"] = array("gender");

// either show grouped column in list or not (default: true)
$opt["groupingView"]["groupColumnShow"] = array(false);

// {0} is grouped value, {1} is count in group
$opt["groupingView"]["groupText"] = array("<b>{0} - {1} Item(s)</b>");

// show group in asc or desc order
$opt["groupingView"]["groupOrder"] = array("asc");

// show sorted data within group
$opt["groupingView"]["groupDataSorted"] = array(true);

// work with summaryType, summaryTpl, see column: $col["name"] = "total";
$opt["groupingView"]["groupSummary"] = array(true);

// Turn true to show group collapse (default: false)
$opt["groupingView"]["groupCollapse"] = false;

// show summary row even if group collapsed (hide)
$opt["groupingView"]["showSummaryOnHide"] = true;

// by default grouping titles are case sensitive. To combine multiple records in same group, set:
$opt["groupingView"]["isInTheSameGroup"] = array(
        "function (x, y) { return String(x).toLowerCase() === String(y).toLowerCase(); }"
$opt["groupingView"]["formatDisplayField"] = array(
        "function (displayValue, cm, index, grp) { return displayValue[0].toUpperCase() + displayValue.substring(1).toLowerCase(); }"


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